28. Dec 2024.
v5.0.0YT2Posts v5.0.0
- Improve YouTube Channels: the channels can now be specified using the links that can contains youtube handles or the channel IDs.
- Fix Multiple Bugfixes: multiple minor bugs have been fixed, including the bug with the include_thumbnails option.
12. Dec 2024.
v4.8.0YT2Posts v4.8.0
- Fix Activation Error: the errors when activating the plugin that were affecting some users have been fixed.
- Improve Latest WordPress Compatibility: the plugin has been successfully tested on the latest WordPress version 6.7.1.
05. Sep 2024.
v4.7.0YT2Posts v4.7.0
- Fix Critical Error: the critical error within the single-post template has been fixed.
05. Sep 2024.
v4.6.0YT2Posts v4.6.0
- New Links auto-shortening: all the URLs in the video posts are automatically shortened in case they are too long. This improves the aesthetics as well as the usability.
- Improve Adding new channels: the added channels are now always saved, even when YouTube API key out of quota.
- Fix AI features: the issues with the AI features (transcription and summarization) have been resolved.
20. Aug 2024.
v4.5.0YT2Posts v4.5.0
- Fix WYSIWYG Editor: blank editor issues for custom post fields within the video posts has been resolved.
17. Aug 2024.
v4.4.0YT2Posts v4.4.0
- New Fully-fledged Editor: The videos’ description, transcript and summary fields in WP Admin can now be edited with a fully-fledged WYSIWYG editor.
- New Auto-formatting: The links and the formatting in the description are now fully-preserved. Moreover, all the links in the text are automatically made clickable.
- New Auto-interpunction: The transcript and the summary now have auto-interpunction and grammar checks which are automatically applied.
- Improve Latest WP Compatibility: YT2Posts has been improved to be aligned with the recent developments in the latest WordPress version.
- Improve Less overhead: the plugin is now double-more compact, for even less overhead.
- Fix Plugin conflicts Resolved: a potential issue causing potential conflicts with other plugins has been fixed.
16. July 2024.
v4.3.0YT2Posts v4.3.0
- Fix Video Filtering: The problems with video filtering based on the video duration are now fixed.
08. July 2024.
v4.2.0YT2Posts v4.2.0
- Improve Performance: This version brings performance improvements.
- Improve Compatibility: The compatibility is now tested for the latest WordPress and PHP versions.
23. May 2024.
v4.1.0YT2Posts v4.1.0
- New Adding Videos: in addition to adding multiple YouTube channels and playlists, now it’s also possible to add multiple single videos.
- Improve Compatibility: The compatibility is now tested for the latest WordPress and PHP versions.
19. Apr 2024.
v4.0.0YT2Posts v4.0.0
- New Video Summarization: all the videos can now be summarized in the background using the state-of-the-art AI models. Everything happens in the background, to maximize the user-experience and the server performance.
- New Video Transcription: in addition to summarization, the users now also get the video transcript. The video transcription also happens in the background, to maximize the user-experience and the server performance.
- New Choose what to display: with the new features, the users now get for each video: its description, the transcript and the summary. The users can check which of the these to be shown on the frontend.
- New Styling Options: you can now choose some styling options for videos like the font color and the background color, so that the videos are displayed just the way you like!
20. Nov 2023.
v3.11.0YT2Posts v3.11.0
- Improve Channel Insertion: easier youtube channel insertion
- Improve Compatibility: the new version tested and adapted for the latest wordpress release.
1. Oct 2023.
v3.10.0YT2Posts v3.10.0
- Fix Video Thumbnails: the duplicated video thumbnails issue has been fixed when multiple videos have the same title.
- Improve Live Stream Date: the live stream date and time is now also imported for videos live streams.
4. Sep 2023.
v3.9.0YT2Posts v3.9.0
- New YouTube Sync Frequency: Now it’s possible to control the frequency of videos syncing with YouTube.
- Fix Sync after update: the sync issues after reactivation have been fixed. See https://yt2posts.com/docs/getting_started/modifying-the-syncing-frequency/
- Fix Admin Notices: the pending admin notices are now removed after page refresh.
31. Aug 2023.
v3.8.0YT2Posts v3.8.0
- Improve Channel ID retrieval: the retrieval of channel IDs from certain URLs has been improved.
- Fix Batched synchronization: the problem with the batched synchronization has been fixed.
- Fix Duration Filter: the duration filter now works also for live videos.
29. Aug 2023.
v3.7.0YT2Posts v3.7.0
- New Video Post Type Name: the users can now choose the name of the custom post type used for storing youtube videos. This name is also used in the wordpress dashboard and in the archive pages of videos.
- New 3x less YouTube quota usage: the backend has been optimized so that now approx. 3x less youtube quota is used. This improves the performance, makes the synchronization with youtube faster and also reduces the usage of the youtube quota.
- New Shortcodes Section: there is a new shortcodes section in YT2Posts Settings where the shortcodes can be copied from.
- NewTemplates Section: there is a new templates section in YT2Posts Settings with the overview of templates and link to tutorials.
- Improve Max Resolution Thumbnails: all the thumbnails now have max. available resolution.
- Improve Admin Notices: the admin notices have been improved and reimplemented.
7. Aug 2023.
v3.4.0 v3.5.0 v3.6.0YT2Posts (v3.4.0-v3.6.0)
- New Video Filtering inside shortcodes: the shortcodes for a grid and a slider now include a labels attribute, that accepts a comma-separated list of channels/playlists labels that should be displayed. This can be used to choose which channels/playlists you want to showcase in each slider/grid.
- Fix duplicate videos: fixed the problem of duplicating the imported videos. The videos will now be imported only once, even if the same video belongs to multiple playlists or channels.
- Fix rewrite-slug formatting: the user-defined rewrite-slug is now properly reformatted and sanitized.
- Improve special characters in labels: the video labels that are converted to categories and tags can now contain more special characters.
- Improve database queries: some database queries have been optimized.
- Improve Simplified UI: the user interface has been simplified.
- Improve Fixed Translation: the translation in some languages has been improved.
31. Jul 2023.
v3.3.0YT2Posts – v3.3.0
- New Duration Filtering: now it’s possible to filter the videos based on their duration. You can specify the minimum and maximum duration of the videos to import. This might be useful if you want e.g. to import only Shorts or longer videos instead.
- New Comments: comments are now enabled for video articles.
- New Auto-removal: videos that get removed from youtube or become unavailable are automatically removed.
- New Multiple Categories/Tags: it’s now possible to add multiple tags/categories per youtube channel/playlist. You can enter a comma-separated list of labels like “Summer, Vacation” that would be converted to post tags or categories.
- Improve Special Characters: special characters are now allowed in the labels/tags names. Also, the names are now case-sensitive.
- Improve Optimization: more efficient synchronization with YouTube. The videos keep being fetched from YouTube until enough videos that satisfy the filtering criteria have been found.
- Improve Archive Page Slug: the archive page slug is now the same as the rewrite slug that users can set in the YT2Posts settings.
- Improve Improved Database Queries: database queries are now faster. Removing the videos now also removes the attached comments and media.
- Fix Configuration Loss Fixed: the problem of losing the configuration on update that affected some users has been fixed.
- Fix Channel ID Retrieval fixed the problem of retrieving channel IDs for some channels.
- Fix Video Synchronization during synchronization, the videos which have been removed are automatically retrieved from YouTube.
19. Jul 2023.
v3.2.0YT2Posts – v3.2.0
- Fix empty options: fixed the bug with retrieving empty options causing fatal errors in some cases.
- Fix rss feed: fixed the problem with missing rss feed for youtube videos.
- Improve shortcode styles: optimized the loading of styles and scripts when shortcodes for grids and sliders are used.
- Improve plugin icon: added the vectorized plugin icon and the vectorized header logo.
25. Jun 2023.
v3.1.0YT2Posts – v3.1.0
- Fix template conflicts: this version automatically detects the existence of user-defined Elementor Templates for video posts and prevents the conflict with default YT2Posts templates. In addition to the previous version, it now detects all Elementor Templates, meaning that you don’t have to worry about the template conflicts if you are designing your own video templates.
25. Jun 2023.
v3.0.0YT2Posts – v3.0.0
This version summarizes the improvements from the previous 12 versions, including the following:
- Fix template conflicts: this version automatically detects if Elementor Templates for video posts have been made and loads the default templates only if no user-defined templates exist.
- Improve YouTube API: this version supports the latest changes in the YouTube API.
- Improve Elementor API: this version supports the latest changes in the Elementor API for ultimate compatibility.
22. Jun 2023.
v2.12.0YT2Posts – v2.12.0
- Fix YouTube channels: fixed the problem of inserting youtube channels from their link which occurred for some youtube channels.
- Improve default templates: should enable the users to overwrite the default YT2Posts templates with their own design.
20. Jun 2023.
v2.11.0YT2Posts – v2.11.0
- Improve single post template: minor design changes in the single-post template for a nicer effect.
19. Jun 2023.
v2.10.0YT2Posts – v2.10.0
- Improve single post template: brings design improvements to single-post templates for video articles.
- Improve Elementor: improves the compatibility with the latest Elementor version.
18. Jun 2023.
v2.9.0YT2Posts – v2.9.0
- Fix channel ID: fixed the channel ID retrieval with modern channel URLs containing @handles.
- Fix thumbnails: fixed the problem with fetching the YouTube videos when the thumbnails are turned off.
- Fix syncing: fixed the syncing with YouTube in case the errors occur for some videos.
- Fix embedding: fixed the issue that wordpress has with embedding the videos with dashes (-) in the links.
- Improve 16:9 aspect ratio: the single video template has been improved to support the 16:9 video aspect ratio.
- Improve responsiveness: added the responsiveness to single video templates.
14. May 2023.
v2.8.0YT2Posts – v2.8.0
- Fix channel ID: fixed the error when retrieving channel IDs from channel URLs, which occurred for some channels.
08. May 2023.
v2.7.0YT2Posts – v2.7.0
- Improve CSS: the conflicts that the sliders and grids have with some of the themes have been fixed.
07. May 2023.
v2.6.0YT2Posts – v2.6.0
- New Slider: a shortcode for showing the video posts in a slider has been added. You can use it as follows:
https://yt2posts.com/docs/examples/showing-videos-in-a-slider-with-a-shortcode/ - New Grid: a shortcode for displaying the video posts in a grid with paging has been added. You can use it as follows: https://yt2posts.com/docs/examples/showing-videos-in-a-grid-with-a-shortcode/
30. Apr 2023.
v2.5.1YT2Posts – v2.5.1
- New French: the plugin translated into French.
- New German: the plugin translated into German.
- New Serbian: the plugin translated into Serbian.
- Fix Typos: fixed typos in the settings page and notice messages.
23. Apr 2023.
v2.5.0YT2Posts – v2.5.0
- New SEO Optimization: the older videos are now kept (not removed), to ensure no links on your website are broken. This should improve the SEO of your website. The users still have the possibility to manually delete the older videos if they want.
- New Publish or Draft: you can now choose if you want the video posts to be immediately published or set to draft first. This is useful if you want to check out and modify your posts, before they get published.
- New Full Reset: a new option has been added to remove all the videos and sync again with YouTube. This is useful if you want to revert all your videos to be the same as they are on YouTube.
- Fix Page 404: an important bug with the error 404 when video posts are previewed has been fixed.
21. Apr 2023.
v2.4.1YT2Posts – v2.4.1
- Improve Thumbnails: all the featured images of video posts are now attached to the corresponding video post in the media library.
- Improve No Duplicates: no video posts are now duplicated. Also, the featured images are not duplicated in the media library anymore.
- Improve Compatibility: new WordPress 6.2 compatibility.
26. Mar 2023.
v2.4.0YT2Posts – v2.4.0
- New Tags or Categories: previously, we added a possibility for a user to choose a label for each channel/playlist, so that the videos from different channels/playlists can be differentiated. In this release, the user can also choose if these labels should be converted to tags or to categories, so that all the videos from the same source get either tagged or categorized by chosen labels.
- New Default Templates: a default template for showing the video posts is now included. The users can still make their own templates, if they want, but this is not compulsory anymore.
- Improve RSS Feed: the RSS feed for video posts has been improved to include the video description.
25. Mar 2023.
v2.3.1YT2Posts – v2.3.1
- Fix Post Tag Fix: this update brings a small bugfix with post tags for videos from youtube playlists.
24. Mar 2023.
v2.3.0YT2Posts – v2.3.0
- New Video Descriptions: when converting youtube videos to wordpress posts, the video descriptions are also added to video posts into a separate field.
- New Tags: for each youtube source (source = a channel or a playlist), the users can now add a tag, so that all the videos from that source have that tag. This helps differentiate the videos from different channels or playlists.
- Fix YouTube Playlists: a bug with fetching videos from playlists has been fixed.
- Improve RSS Feed: improved the RSS feed for video posts, now including the video tags as well.
13. Mar 2023.
v2.2.0YT2Posts – v2.2.0
- New RSS Feed: the RSS Feed for video posts has been added. The URL of the RSS feed for YouTube posts is following the standard WordPress convention e.g. yourdomain.com/<rewrite-slug>/feed. By default, <rewrite-slug> will be youtube, but you can change it to whatever you like in the YT2Posts Settings Page. This means the default URL for the RSS Feed is yourdomain.com/youtube/feed unless you change the rewrite-slug. In case you change the rewrite slug in YT2Posts Settings, make sure to also flush wordpress permalinks by going to WordPress Dashboard->Settings->Permalinks->Save Changes.
30. Jan 2023.
v2.1.0YT2Posts – v2.1.0
- New Multiple Playlists: in addition to adding multiple YouTube channels, it’s now also possible to add multiple YouTube playlists in YT2Posts Settings.
- Improve Simplified Usage: it’s enough to add the playlists links, instead of playlists IDs to insert playlists into YT2Posts.
28. Jan 2023.
v2.0.0YT2Posts – v2.0.0
- New Multiple Channels: it’s now possible to add multiple YouTube channels in YT2Posts Settings.
- Improve Simplified Usage: it’s enough to add the channels links, instead of playlists IDs to insert channels into YT2Posts.
04. Dec 2022.
v1.4.6YT2Posts – v1.4.6
- Improve Increased Limit: the limit on the max. number of the latest videos to fetch from a channel has been increased from 50 to 1000. This limit is just a technicality and can be increased even further if needed.
- Improve Compatibility: verified compatibility with WordPress 6.1.1.
- Fix Video Timestamp: the timestamp of videos has been fixed. This means that the post’s published date and time correspond to the date and time when the video has been published.
13. Nov 2022.
v1.4.5YT2Posts – v1.4.5
- Improve Compatibility: compatibility with the latest WordPress 6.1
- Improve PHP: compatibility with the latest PHP v8.1.
- Improve Optimization: performance optimizations for faster syncing with YouTube.
- Improve More Languages: fixed compatibility for videos in different languages with non-english characters.
- Improve Thumbnail Resolution: improved resolution of thumbnail images.
- Fix Image Names: fixed the filename issues of fetched images.
11. Sep 2022.
v1.4.4YT2Posts – v1.4.4
- Improve Compatibility: compatibility with the latest WordPress 6.0.2.
- New Shortcode: new shortcode https://yt2posts.com that when clicked opens up a popup window where the visitor is asked to subscribe to the youtube channel.
28. Aug 2022.
v1.4.3YT2Posts – v1.4.3
- Improve Compatibility: compatibility with the latest WordPress 6.0.1.
- Fix Old PHP: Fixes syntax errors with older PHP versions (pre-7.4 PHP versions).